Study up on microservices, cloud computing, and agile methodologies. All this and more in this issue of JAX London Whitepaper!
Study up on microservices, cloud computing, and agile methodologies. All this and more in this issue of JAX London Whitepaper!
Chaos Engineering = Metaspace OutOfMemmory Error
By Ram Lakshmanan
Java String Intern: Performance Impact
By Ram Lakshmanan
Which Region Are Intern Strings Stored?
By Ram Lakshmanans
“The combinaton of Java and JavaFX stands for maturity, security, reliability, scalability, and maintainability”
By Johan Vos
JavaFX on the Raspberry Pi
By Frank Delporte
Open Source Cadence Is Built for the Developer Experience – Here’s how to Take Advantage
By Ben Slater
Troubleshooting Microservice’s OutOfMemory-Error: MetaSpace
By Ram Lakshmanan
Java UUID generation – Performance impact
By Ram Lakshmanan
12 Reasons Why Developers Should Consider Apache Pulsar
By Ram Lakshmanan
Tribuo is a statically & strongly typed Machine Learning library written in Java. It operates on objects rather than multidimensional arrays, meaning models accept example objects and produce typed Prediction outputs. It also uses the type system to enforce that the training datasets line up with the expected models.
The term „Microservices Framework“ is often used when talking about Spring Boot. This is only partly true: Spring Boot is suitable for small services as well as for monolithic applications. These services or applications can be pure Web APIs or web applications, command line programs, or orchestrating applications.