Kotlin Know-it-all

CONGRATULATIONS! You’re a true Kotlin Know-it-all!


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There was a time when Java was considered “hot shit”. For the Kotlin Know-It-All, this is ancient history. These days, using the JVM needs a different programming language, and since Scala, JRuby and Clojure are obviously MUCH too old (and complicated), Kotlin suits their lifestyle and need for quick results. Some Java purists like to use the word “snot-nosed” in this context, but even know-it-alls are right once in a while. Kotlin is innovative and has fought for its right to exist. The development of mobile apps for Android operating systems is no longer a pure Java domain thanks to Kotlin. However, the question is whether or not this still plays a major role, because with Flutter the next generation of app developers is being raised in a completely different way.


Kotlin Know-it-alls at JAX London

As a Kotlin Know-it-all, here are some sessions you don’t want to miss::






You might not be a Kotlin Know-it-all at all?

Well, admittedly, the JAX Quiz has been known to experience the odd hiccup here and there… We suggest you simply try it again!