The term “microservices framework” is often used when talking about Spring Boot. This is only partially true, because Spring Boot is suitable for small services as well as for monolithic applications. These services or applications can be pure web APIs or web applications, command line programs or orchestrating applications.
The term “microservices framework” is often used when talking about Spring Boot. This is only partially true, because Spring Boot is suitable for small services as well as for monolithic applications. These services or applications can be pure web APIs or web applications, command line programs or orchestrating applications.
What exactly is Spring Boot?
Are there alternatives?
The minimum Java version and other dependencies
Java 17JaKarta EE 9+
Version management and dependency management
What is a starter?
Manual (specific) configuration
Tribuo is a statically & strongly typed Machine Learning library written in Java. It operates on objects rather than multidimensional arrays, meaning models accept example objects and produce typed Prediction outputs. It also uses the type system to enforce that the training datasets line up with the expected models.
The term „Microservices Framework“ is often used when talking about Spring Boot. This is only partly true: Spring Boot is suitable for small services as well as for monolithic applications. These services or applications can be pure Web APIs or web applications, command line programs, or orchestrating applications.