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JAX Developer Puzzle! Java Conference

JAX London, 09-12 October 2017
The Conference for JAVA & Software Innovation

May 15, 2018

The JAX Developers Puzzle! Play for a chance to win a complimentary JAX London 2018 Ticket! Jane, Alison, David and Ben are developers in the Future.bank team. They were asked to write a new risk management algorithm for foreign exchange trading. They each used a different programming language and all finished before lunch break, but at different times! Match the dev with his finish time and used language.

Your answer should be a code based on all the selected cells in the table. The answer should be read in a left to right and top to bottom order. Remember, as with all grid-based logic puzzles, no option in any category will ever be used more than once. After your submission you will get an email with a subscription confirmation request, please complete this step to play the game and join our newsletter.

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