
Java 12 Tutorial: How the new switch expressions work

The switch case expressions in Java go back pretty much to the beginnings of the programming language. It was basically a compromise in language design to make it easier for C++ developers to switch to Java. Relics like break and fall-through were not very intuitive and caused a lot of errors. In addition, the case statement was very limited regarding the notation of the values. Fortunately, this all changes with Java 12. The syntax has been slightly modified to allow specifying one expression and multiple values. In this way, case differences can be formulated much more elegantly.

RESTful APIs done right

Anyone who has ever set up a domain with microservices already knows: APIs for service-to-service communication are of crucial importance. Since each team has its own style and implements interfaces differently, the number of various approaches tends to explode sooner or later. Defining a guideline with rules and examples right at the beginning of the project helps to guarantee consistent APIs which are as self-explanatory as possible.
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